Pakistani Rickshaw Driver Arshad Sets New Guinness World Record, Surpassing India’s Feat

Pakistani Rickshaw Driver Arshad Sets New Guinness World Record, Surpassing India’s Feat: Pakistani athlete Arshad Mehsood has made history by breaking the Guinness World Record for the most full-contact elbow strikes in one minute using alternate elbows. Arshad surpassed the previous record of 334 strikes, held by India’s Chinmay Sharma, by delivering an impressive 373 elbow strikes in one minute.

Arshad, who earns a living by driving a Chingchi Rickshaw, is a student of Pakistan’s top Guinness World Record holder Irfan Mehsood. Over 20 of Irfan’s students have made it into the Guinness World Records.

Irfan Mehsood, a fitness icon, has set 100 Guinness World Records in less than 8 years. His achievements include lifting 40 pounds for 3 minutes and 20 seconds and setting multiple push-up and weightlifting records. He has set 46 records for push-ups and holds additional records for various other fitness categories like squats, jumping jacks, and knee strikes.

Irfan has broken world records in 16 countries including the USA, Great Britain, India, China, and Germany, making him one of the most decorated athletes in the Guinness World Records.

Records Details
Elbow Strikes Record 373 strikes (previous 334)
Student Arshad Mehsood
Trainer Irfan Mehsood
Total Guinness Records (Irfan) 100
Countries with Broken Records 16 (USA, India, China, etc.)
Other Records by Irfan Push-ups, squats, high jumps, etc.

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